All Hands On Deck
We are all made to worship and intercede but some are called to facilitate worship and intercession in the nation and nations.
For those who are called to facilitate worship in the nation and nations - I prayerfully write this with you in mind and I stir my own soul as I write.
For those of you who believe you are called to facilitate worship on earth as it is in heaven.
For those of you who believe you are called to see Jesus worshipped on earth with the worship He is worthy of.
For those of you who are called and have vowed to not rest until you see places prepared for Him to be praised in the great assembly, for Jesus to be worshipped in the congregation.
For those of you who are called to see Him enthroned as King of Kings at the centre of this nation and nations.
Then this is the time more than ever to humble ourselves, bow the knee, seek His wisdom and perhaps, if He leads you, make a stand.
We are in a critical point in our nation.
A point that I believe will impact the future of our nation and our globe.
As your spirit burns to love Him with your everything, to see the saints on earth gather around His throne in worship, it’s time to ask some questions and if He leads you, take some action.
He moves mightily, He pours out His victorious power through the corporate worship and praise of His people.
When worshippers gather, in one accord, take up their positions, armoured up and fix their eyes, He releases an unstoppable torrent of His Kingdom.
Victory, love, salvation, deliverance, freedom, healing, truth, peace, hope and so much more flows as His Church, His children, love Him together, with all they’ve got, in unity, in one place.
First things first.
There is a very real, very weighty cost for our nation and the nations when we lay this down.
When we take a step back from our watch.
When we abandon our positions on the wall.
Zoom, online streams can be, have been, a useful tool but pale in comparison to the believers gathering in one place, together, in person. Worship Facilitators lets be careful not to let the argument ‘online is just as good’ rob of us our discernment and resolve.
It’s simply not.
It is something, it’s at the times the best we could do. It can be a deep blessing, a helpful hand in personal devotion. It surprised us perhaps to be able to pray with each other across the globe, but let’s not get confused, tricked or distracted from the simplicity and mighty power of His worshippers gathered in one place. From His call to His local worshippers. The ones standing the ground.
Loving Him with all we’ve got as individuals and together in person, in one accord.
There are ways, even in this time, to do this wisely, compassionately, humbly but without compromise.
To do what we believe is the most ESSENTIAL act, lifestyle, practise.
We are called to make a place, where the worshippers can worship Him as the Word of God states - in spirit, in truth, in liberty, together.
In this tricky but critical time lets not be too hasty to put down our greatest honour, joy and weapon on earth - gathering to worship and praise Him together.
Worship facilitators, pray, seek Him, ask Him for a greater measure of wisdom. Ask if He is leading you to make a stand in this time and if He is write to your MP, sign the petitions.
I came across an article from Premier Christianity to be an interesting read in-light of some voices from within the church that suggest gathering is foolish, uncompassionate, unkind, selfish.
Discernment and wisdom is key in these days.
For those of us, like myself, who have been able to hide behind the louder voices for some years, the more ‘out there’ voices. I’ve been able to stand at a distance, sit on the fence, I sense those days are coming to an end.
David’s, worship facilitators, it’s time to arise. This COVID giant is defying the ways and the Name of our living God. What the enemy has planned off the back of COVID is far worse than our current circumstances.
Jesus has given His Church everything we need to take authority in the heavens and change the course of history.
Worship facilitators the roar is resounding: ‘All hands on deck!’
May we declare together: ‘Not on our watch’